The Wellington Film Guide

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The Film Society in New Zealand

 T H I S   W E E K   I N   W E L L I N G T O N

T H U R S D A Y   2 3   J A N U A R Y  -
  W E D N E S D A Y   2 9   J A N U A R Y   2 0 2 5  

t h e   f i l m s

n e w s   c l i p s

  • The Wellington Film Society opening screening - Embassy 24 February - at 6.00pm and 8.30pm is ALL THAT JAZZ Bob Fosse, USA, 1979.
    Inspired by Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 (1963), this is Bob Fosse's arresting rumination on the limitations of his own character and talent, seen through the prism of an onscreen doppelganger. It depicts a tumultuous chapter in the life of film director/choreographer/theater director Joe Gideon (Roy Scheider), who juggles the challenges of transforming a hokey stage musical into something fresh with long hours spent obsessively refining his latest movie, a biopic about a comedian that echoes Fosse's Lenny (1974). Scheider gives the most nuanced and surprising performance of his career, beautifully depicting every contradictory aspect of the main character; the decidedly non-musical performer even dives headfirst into a full-on musical number, and looks graceful guiding dancers through their moves (with a cigarette dangling from his lips, Fosse-style). - Peter Hanson, Every 70s Movie.
  • The new schedule is expected to be released late in January. In the meantime tell your friends about the new screening model and encourage them to join now (and pick up their card at the first screening)
  • Members only.
  • Film Society Memberships available at any time on line.

  • Film Festivals to note:
  • If you have a festival due to run in Wellington and it's not listed here, contact the Cinemaster.

    This site relies on the various cinemas having their own websites up to date to access their screening times. The paragraphs describing the films starting this week are in most cases adapted from the linked reviews.

    For comments and movie news, contact the Cinemaster at

    s t a r t s   t h i s   w e e k!

    A COMPLETE UNKNOWN - James Mangold's film is about all the variables that shape and warp creativity and fluidly captures the intersection of art and fame with solid performances, unshowy direction, and organic editing. He captures Bob Dylan's ingenuity and songwriting brilliance with little interruption. One of the film's greatest strengths is how much it relies on actual performance to tell its story - choosing often to let the music do the talking. Season Proper. Also Penthouse, Lighthouse, Queensgate, Monterey, Reading, Coastlands and Shoreline.

    WE LIVE IN TIME - It's not as though this is entirely reliant on the significant star power of Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield (the film has pleasures beyond their top-tier performances) but their chemistry is just so electric that it would be hard to imagine how any of it could work quite so well without them. Also Penthouse, Roxy, Lighthouse, Queensgate, Monterey, Reading, Coastlands and Shoreline.

    THE BRUTALIST - A Hungarian Jewish architect trained at the prestigious Bauhaus, escapes war-riddled Budapest to build a new life alongside a distant cousin in Pennsylvania, This is a world built of concrete and steel but also of sweat and grime, a vision of America that pays attention to human-made structures, both physical and metaphorical. Be prepared for its running time! Also Lighthouse and Monterey.

    MARIA - Starring Angelina Jolie as revered operatic soprano Maria Callas over the final week of her life in Paris, the movie is like a glittering jewel in a glass showcase, inviting you to look but not touch. Its the third part of the gifted Chilean director Pablo Larrain's unofficial trilogy, the previous two being Jackie and Spencer. Advance screenings this weekend. Also Lighthouse.

    FLIGHT RISK - Working from a script by Jared Rosenberg, director Mel Gibson does a totally solid job with what is probably the most lighthearted movie he has done since... like ever. It offers entertainment, escapism and just plain fun. All Monterey.

    u p c o m i n g   f i l m s
    COMPANION Jan 30 Reading
    MARIA Jan 30 Lighthouse
    BABYGIRL Jan 30 Pentthouse
    WIDOW CLICQUOT Feb 06 Lighthouse
    SEPTEMBER 5 Feb 06 Pentthouse
    MOZART'S SISTER Feb 13 Lighthouse
    BIRD Feb 20 Penthouse
    I'M STILL HERE Feb 20 Lighthouse


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